Country Capital


41 °F

Light rain. Mostly cloudy.

Feels Like: 32 °F
Forecast: 44 / 40 °F
Wind: 17 mph from East

Country: Canada
Country High: 48 °F Nanaimo
Country Low: -24 °F Norman Wells
Max Wind: 44 mph Bella Coola

Weather in Canada (259 Locations)

AbbotsfordThu 1:34 amPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FHaldimandThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FQuesnelThu 1:34 amOvercast. Cold.21 °F
AjaxThu 4:34 amMostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FHalifaxThu 5:34 amLow clouds. Quite cool.41 °FQuispamsisThu 5:34 amMostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
AklavikThu 2:34 amLight snow. Passing clouds. Cold.16 °FHall BeachThu 4:34 amOvercast. Cold.21 °FRae-EdzoThu 2:34 amExtremely cold.-12 °F
Annapolis CountyThu 5:34 amQuite cool.40 °FHalton HillsThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FRainy RiverThu 3:34 amLow clouds. Chilly.40 °F
ArviatThu 3:34 amLight snow. Low clouds. Chilly.30 °FHamiltonThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FRankin InletThu 3:34 amLight freezing rain. Ice fog. Chilly.30 °F
AtikokanThu 4:34 amChilly.31 °FHappy Valley-Goose BayThu 5:34 amOvercast. Chilly.37 °FRed DeerThu 2:34 amOvercast. Cold.14 °F
Baker LakeThu 3:34 amOvercast. Cold.13 °FHigh LevelThu 2:34 amLow clouds. Frigid.-3 °FReginaThu 3:34 amLight snow. Low clouds. Cold.14 °F
BanffThu 2:34 amCold.17 °FHuntsvilleThu 4:34 amLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.37 °FRenfrewThu 4:34 amLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
BarrieThu 4:34 amChilly.39 °FIgloolikThu 4:34 amOvercast. Cold.21 °FRepentignyThu 4:34 amQuite cool.42 °F
BathurstThu 5:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.43 °FInukjuakThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.28 °FResolute BayThu 3:34 amLight snow. Passing clouds. Frigid.5 °F
BécancourThu 4:34 amQuite cool.42 °FInuvikThu 2:34 amLight snow. Passing clouds. Cold.16 °FRichmondThu 1:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.45 °F
Bella CoolaThu 1:34 amQuite cool.42 °FIqaluitThu 4:34 amClear. Cold.21 °FRichmond HillThu 4:34 amMostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
BellevilleThu 4:34 amLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FJolietteThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.37 °FRimouskiThu 4:34 amChilly.39 °F
Blanc-SablonThu 5:34 amLight rain. Overcast. Quite cool.41 °FKamloopsThu 1:34 amOvercast. Chilly.37 °FRiverviewThu 5:34 amDrizzle. Fog. Quite cool.41 °F
BramptonThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FKawartha LakesThu 4:34 amChilly.39 °FRocky Mountain HouseThu 2:34 amCold.15 °F
BrandonThu 3:34 amPassing clouds. Cold.21 °FKelownaThu 1:34 amLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.34 °FRothesayThu 5:34 amMostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
BrantfordThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FKenoraThu 3:34 amLow clouds. Chilly.36 °FRouyn-NorandaThu 4:34 amLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.39 °F
BrockvilleThu 4:34 amCool.46 °FKentvilleThu 5:34 amQuite cool.43 °FSaanichThu 1:34 amOvercast. Cool.46 °F
BurlingtonThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °FKeremeosThu 1:34 amLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.37 °FSaguenayThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °F
BurnabyThu 1:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.45 °FKings CountyThu 5:34 amQuite cool.43 °FSaint-GeorgesThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °F
CaledonThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FKingstonThu 4:34 amOvercast. Frigid.10 °FSaint-HyacintheThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.37 °F
CalgaryThu 2:34 amLight snow. Ice fog. Cold.10 °FKirkland LakeThu 4:34 amOvercast. Chilly.39 °FSaint-Jean-sur-RichelieuThu 4:34 amChilly.40 °F
CambridgeThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.34 °FKitchenerThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.34 °FSaint-JérômeThu 4:34 amPartly cloudy. Chilly.39 °F
Cambridge BayThu 2:34 amLight snow. Low clouds. Frigid.5 °FKugluktukThu 2:34 amLow level haze. Frigid.3 °FSaint John (CA - NB)Thu 5:34 amMostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
Campbell RiverThu 1:34 amSprinkles. Overcast. Quite cool.43 °FKuujjuaqThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FSalaberry-de-ValleyfieldThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °F
CampbelltonThu 5:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.43 °FLa RongeThu 3:34 amLight snow. Passing clouds. Frigid.9 °FSalmon ArmThu 1:34 amChilly.34 °F
CamroseThu 2:34 amLight snow. Mostly cloudy. Cold.12 °FLabrador CityThu 5:34 amLight snow. Overcast. Chilly.30 °FSarniaThu 4:34 amOvercast. Chilly.37 °F
Cap-aux-MeulesThu 5:34 amQuite cool.42 °FLangleyThu 1:34 amQuite cool.42 °FSaskatoonThu 3:34 amLight snow. Overcast. Cold.16 °F
Cape Breton Regional MunicipalityThu 5:34 amLow clouds. Cool.46 °FLavalThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Quite cool.41 °FSault Ste. MarieThu 4:34 amDrizzle. Fog. Chilly.39 °F
Cape DorsetThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.30 °FLes CoteauxThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °FSecheltThu 1:34 amCool.48 °F
CarmacksThu 2:34 amExtremely cold.-10 °FLethbridgeThu 2:34 amMostly cloudy. Cold.16 °FSelkirkThu 3:34 amChilly.30 °F
CharlottetownThu 5:34 amDrizzle. Fog. Quite cool.41 °FLevisThu 4:34 amQuite cool.42 °FSept-ÎlesThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °F
Chatham-KentThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.34 °FLloydminster (CA-SK)Thu 2:34 amIce fog. Cold.10 °FShawiniganThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °F
ChemainusThu 1:34 amQuite cool.43 °FLloydminster (CA-AB)Thu 2:34 amIce fog. Cold.10 °FSheet HarbourThu 5:34 amQuite cool.43 °F
ChetwyndThu 2:34 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.0 °FLondonThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FSherbrookeThu 4:34 amMostly cloudy. Quite cool.43 °F
ChezzetcookThu 5:34 amLow clouds. Quite cool.41 °FLongueuilThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °FSicamousThu 1:34 amChilly.34 °F
ChibougamauThu 4:34 amOvercast. Chilly.37 °FMaple RidgeThu 1:34 amQuite cool.42 °FSidneyThu 1:34 amOvercast. Cool.46 °F
ChilliwackThu 1:34 amQuite cool.44 °FMarkhamThu 4:34 amMostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FSquamishThu 1:34 amChilly.37 °F
ChurchillThu 3:34 amIce fog. Chilly.32 °FMary's HarbourThu 6:04 amLight rain. Fog. Chilly.37 °FSt. AlbertThu 2:34 amLight snow. Mostly cloudy. Cold.10 °F
ClaringtonThu 4:34 amLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.37 °FMataneThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °FSt. CatharinesThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °F
Clyde RiverThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Cold.14 °FMayoThu 2:34 amPassing clouds. Extremely cold.-13 °FSt. George'sThu 6:04 amPartly cloudy. Quite cool.45 °F
ComoxThu 1:34 amSprinkles. Overcast. Quite cool.43 °FMD of LunenburgThu 5:34 amQuite cool.44 °FSt. John's (CA - NF)Thu 6:04 amLight rain. Fog. Quite cool.43 °F
Conception Bay SouthThu 6:04 amLight rain. Fog. Quite cool.43 °FMeadow LakeThu 3:34 amLight snow. Overcast. Cold.14 °FSt. JosephThu 4:34 amRain. Overcast. Cool.45 °F
CoquitlamThu 1:34 amQuite cool.42 °FMedicine HatThu 2:34 amPassing clouds. Cold.18 °FSt. ThomasThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
Coral HarbourThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Cold.21 °FMiltonThu 4:34 amQuite cool.42 °FSteinbachThu 3:34 amChilly.30 °F
Corner BrookThu 6:04 amLight rain. Overcast. Quite cool.43 °FMiramichiThu 5:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.43 °FStephenvilleThu 6:04 amPartly cloudy. Quite cool.45 °F
CornwallThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °FMississaugaThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FStonewallThu 3:34 amMostly cloudy. Chilly.30 °F
CranbrookThu 2:34 amLight snow. Ice fog. Chilly.27 °FMonctonThu 5:34 amDrizzle. Fog. Quite cool.41 °FStony RapidsThu 3:34 amLight snow. Overcast. Cold.14 °F
CrestonThu 2:34 amChilly.32 °FMontréalThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Quite cool.41 °FStratfordThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
CroftonThu 1:34 amQuite cool.42 °FMoose JawThu 3:34 amLight snow. Low clouds. Cold.14 °FStrathcona CountyThu 2:34 amCold.11 °F
Cumberland CountyThu 5:34 amQuite cool.43 °FMordenThu 3:34 amChilly.26 °FSummersideThu 5:34 amQuite cool.41 °F
DauphinThu 3:34 amChilly.35 °FMount PearlThu 6:04 amLight rain. Fog. Quite cool.43 °FSurreyThu 1:34 amQuite cool.42 °F
Dawson City (Yukon T.)Thu 2:34 amFrigid.-10 °FNanaimoThu 1:34 amCool.48 °FSwan RiverThu 3:34 amCold.18 °F
Dawson Creek (Br. Col.)Thu 2:34 amLight snow. Clear. Frigid.3 °FNelsonThu 1:34 amChilly.34 °FSwift CurrentThu 3:34 amCold.10 °F
DelineThu 2:34 amFrigid.-4 °FNew WestminsterThu 1:34 amQuite cool.42 °FTemiskaming ShoresThu 4:34 amOvercast. Chilly.39 °F
DeltaThu 1:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.45 °FNewmarketThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FTerrebonneThu 4:34 amQuite cool.42 °F
DieppeThu 5:34 amDrizzle. Fog. Quite cool.41 °FNiagara FallsThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.38 °FThe PasThu 3:34 amOvercast. Cold.21 °F
DrummondvilleThu 4:34 amQuite cool.44 °FNipigonThu 4:34 amQuite cool.42 °FThompsonThu 3:34 amLight snow. Overcast. Chilly.27 °F
DrydenThu 3:34 amFog. Chilly.37 °FNorfolkThu 4:34 amChilly.37 °FThunder BayThu 4:34 amMostly cloudy. Chilly.37 °F
DuncanThu 1:34 amOvercast. Cool.47 °FNorman WellsThu 2:34 amPassing clouds. Extremely cold.-24 °FTimminsThu 4:34 amLight rain. Low clouds. Chilly.37 °F
East HantsThu 5:34 amLow clouds. Quite cool.41 °FNorth BayThu 4:34 amMostly cloudy. Chilly.39 °FTofinoThu 1:34 amQuite cool.44 °F
EdmontonThu 2:34 amLight snow. Mostly cloudy. Cold.12 °FOakvilleThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °FTorontoThu 4:34 amPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °F
ElbowThu 3:34 amCold.13 °FOld CrowThu 2:34 amFrigid.8 °FTrailThu 1:34 amQuite cool.44 °F
EntwistleThu 2:34 amLight snow. Mostly cloudy. Cold.10 °FOrilliaThu 4:34 amChilly.39 °FTrois-RivieresThu 4:34 amQuite cool.42 °F
EurekaThu 4:34 amOvercast. Frigid.9 °FOshawaThu 4:34 amFog. Chilly.37 °FTruroThu 5:34 amFog. Chilly.37 °F
FaroThu 2:34 amCold.-17 °FOttawaThu 4:34 amLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FTsiigehtchicThu 2:34 amCold.24 °F
Fort McPhersonThu 2:34 amCold.24 °FOwen SoundThu 4:34 amLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.39 °FTuktoyaktukThu 2:34 amPassing clouds. Cold.12 °F
Fort NelsonThu 2:34 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.-2 °FParadiseThu 6:04 amLight rain. Fog. Quite cool.43 °FUxbridgeThu 4:34 amChilly.39 °F
Fort SimpsonThu 2:34 amPassing clouds. Extremely cold.-11 °FParksvilleThu 1:34 amQuite cool.41 °FVancouverThu 1:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.45 °F
Fort SmithThu 2:34 amLight snow. Low clouds. Frigid.5 °FPaulatukThu 2:34 amFrigid.5 °FVaughanThu 4:34 amMostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
Fort St. JohnThu 2:34 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.0 °FPembrokeThu 4:34 amQuite cool.43 °FVictoriaThu 1:34 amOvercast. Cool.46 °F
FrederictonThu 5:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.43 °FPentictonThu 1:34 amLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.37 °FWaterlooThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.34 °F
GanderThu 6:04 amLight rain. Fog. Quite cool.45 °FPeterboroughThu 4:34 amLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.37 °FWellandThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °F
GaspéThu 4:34 amDrizzle. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FPickeringThu 4:34 amMostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FWetaskiwinThu 2:34 amLight snow. Mostly cloudy. Cold.12 °F
GatineauThu 4:34 amLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FPickle LakeThu 4:34 amChilly.36 °FWhistlerThu 1:34 amChilly.37 °F
Gjoa HavenThu 2:34 amSnow. Ice fog. Cold.19 °FPictouThu 5:34 amQuite cool.44 °FWhitbyThu 4:34 amFog. Chilly.37 °F
Glace BayThu 5:34 amDrizzle. Fog. Cool.46 °FPond InletThu 4:34 amIce fog. Cold.25 °FWhite RockThu 1:34 amQuite cool.45 °F
GoderichThu 4:34 amQuite cool.41 °FPonokaThu 2:34 amCold.14 °FWhitehorseThu 2:34 amLow clouds. Frigid.-6 °F
GoldenThu 2:34 amCold.14 °FPort AlberniThu 1:34 amChilly.38 °FWilliams LakeThu 1:34 amOvercast. Chilly.31 °F
GranbyThu 4:34 amQuite cool.42 °FPort CoquitlamThu 1:34 amQuite cool.42 °FWindsorThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.34 °F
Grand Falls-WindsorThu 6:04 amQuite cool.43 °FPort HardyThu 1:34 amPartly cloudy. Quite cool.45 °FWinnipegThu 3:34 amChilly.30 °F
Grand ForksThu 1:34 amQuite cool.44 °FPortage la PrairieThu 3:34 amChilly.26 °FWood BuffaloThu 2:34 amPassing clouds. Frigid.3 °F
Grande PrairieThu 2:34 amLight snow. Mostly cloudy. Frigid.5 °FPrince AlbertThu 3:34 amLight snow. Overcast. Cold.18 °FYarmouth CountyThu 5:34 amPassing clouds. Quite cool.43 °F
GravenhurstThu 4:34 amLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.37 °FPrince GeorgeThu 1:34 amOvercast. Cold.19 °FYellowknifeThu 2:34 amLight snow. Ice fog. Extremely cold.-11 °F
Greater SudburyThu 4:34 amLight rain. Low clouds. Chilly.37 °FPrince RupertThu 1:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.41 °FYorktonThu 3:34 amPartly cloudy. Cold.10 °F
GreenwoodThu 5:34 amOvercast. Quite cool.45 °FQikiqtarjuaqThu 4:34 amPartly cloudy. Chilly.30 °F
GuelphThu 4:34 amClear. Chilly.34 °FQuébecThu 4:34 amDrizzle. Fog. Quite cool.41 °F


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