Country Capital


27 °F


Feels Like: 27 °F
Forecast: 28 / 20 °F
Wind: 1 mph from West

Country: Russia
Country High: 52 °F Sochi
Country Low: -57 °F Verkhoyansk
Max Wind: 24 mph Barnaul

Weather in Russia (118 Locations)

AbakanThu 3:09 amClear. Cold.19 °FKovrovWed 11:09 pmFog. Cold.24 °FSamaraThu 12:09 amOvercast. Chilly.32 °F
AmdermaWed 11:09 pmSnow flurries. Overcast. Cold.24 °FKrasnodarWed 11:09 pmSprinkles. Fog. Quite cool.45 °FSaranskWed 11:09 pmLow clouds. Chilly.30 °F
AnadyrThu 8:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Cold.24 °FKrasnoyarskThu 3:09 amOvercast. Cold.12 °FSaskylakhThu 5:09 amClear. Extremely cold.-44 °F
AnapaWed 11:09 pmSprinkles. Partly cloudy. Quite cool.43 °FKyzylThu 3:09 amSnow flurries. Clear. Extremely cold.-22 °FSevero-KurilskThu 7:09 amSnow flurries. Overcast. Chilly.29 °F
ArkhangelskWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.30 °FLipetskWed 11:09 pmFog. Chilly.29 °FSmolenskWed 11:09 pmLight snow. Overcast. Chilly.27 °F
AstrakhanThu 12:09 amLow clouds. Chilly.36 °FMagadanThu 7:09 amClear. Frigid.1 °FSochiWed 11:09 pmSprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Cool.52 °F
BarnaulThu 3:09 amLow level haze. Cold.16 °FMagnitogorskThu 1:09 amPassing clouds. Cold.18 °FStavropolWed 11:09 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.44 °F
BelgorodWed 11:09 pmFog. Chilly.32 °FMakhachkalaWed 11:09 pmFog. Quite cool.42 °FSurgutThu 1:09 amSnow flurries. Partly cloudy. Cold.23 °F
Belushya GubaWed 11:09 pmPassing clouds. Cold.10 °FMezenWed 11:09 pmSnow showers. Low clouds. Cold.24 °FSyktyvkarWed 11:09 pmSnow showers. Partly cloudy. Chilly.30 °F
BirobidzhanThu 6:09 amClear. Extremely cold.-12 °FMineralnye VodyWed 11:09 pmFog. Chilly.39 °FTeriberkaWed 11:09 pmSnow flurries. Overcast. Chilly.30 °F
BlagoveshchenskThu 5:09 amFrigid.-8 °FMoscowWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.27 °FTiksiThu 5:09 amClear. Extremely cold.-32 °F
BratskThu 4:09 amClear. Frigid.-2 °FMurmanskWed 11:09 pmPassing clouds. Cold.25 °FTolyattiThu 12:09 amOvercast. Chilly.32 °F
BryanskWed 11:09 pmFog. Chilly.27 °FNaberezhnye ChelnyWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.31 °FTomskThu 3:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Cold.12 °F
CheboksaryWed 11:09 pmLow clouds. Chilly.27 °FNadymThu 1:09 amLight snow. Low clouds. Cold.20 °FTulaWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.25 °F
ChelyabinskThu 1:09 amPassing clouds. Chilly.27 °FNakhodkaThu 6:09 amClear. Cold.13 °FTuraThu 3:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.1 °F
CherepovetsWed 11:09 pmSnow flurries. Overcast. Chilly.31 °FNaryan-MarWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.26 °FUdachnyThu 5:09 amClear. Frigid.-6 °F
CherskyThu 7:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.-2 °FNeryungriThu 5:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.-2 °FUfaThu 1:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Cold.21 °F
ChitaThu 5:09 amClear. Extremely cold.-18 °FNizhnevartovskThu 1:09 amOvercast. Cold.21 °FUkhtaWed 11:09 pmSnow. Low clouds. Chilly.27 °F
ChokurdakhThu 7:09 amSnow flurries. Overcast. Extremely cold.-20 °FNizhny NovgorodWed 11:09 pmLow clouds. Chilly.27 °FUlan-UdeThu 4:09 amClear. Extremely cold.-16 °F
DiksonThu 3:09 amSnow flurries. Overcast. Frigid.-4 °FNorilskThu 3:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.3 °FUlyanovskThu 12:09 amOvercast. Chilly.34 °F
DolgoprudnyWed 11:09 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.27 °FNovgorodWed 11:09 pmClear. Chilly.30 °FUssuriyskThu 6:09 amClear. Frigid.10 °F
DudinkaThu 3:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.3 °FNovokuznetskThu 3:09 amPassing clouds. Cold.18 °FUst-KamchatskThu 8:09 amSnow flurries. Low clouds. Cold.20 °F
ElistaWed 11:09 pmChilly.37 °FNovorossiyskWed 11:09 pmSprinkles. Partly cloudy. Quite cool.43 °FUst-NeraThu 6:09 amLight snow. Passing clouds. Extremely cold.-39 °F
GelendzhikWed 11:09 pmSprinkles. Partly cloudy. Quite cool.43 °FNovosibirskThu 3:09 amPassing clouds. Cold.15 °FVelskWed 11:09 pmChilly.31 °F
Gorno-AltayskThu 3:09 amOvercast. Cold.21 °FOkhaThu 7:09 amSnow flurries. Passing clouds. Frigid.9 °FVerkhoyanskThu 6:09 amClear. Extremely cold.-57 °F
GroznyWed 11:09 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.43 °FOlenyokThu 5:09 amExtremely cold.-32 °FVilyuyskThu 5:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Extremely cold.-21 °F
IgarkaThu 3:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.1 °FOmskThu 2:09 amSnow flurries. Overcast. Cold.18 °FVladimirWed 11:09 pmFog. Cold.24 °F
IrkutskThu 4:09 amFog. Frigid.-9 °FOrenburgThu 1:09 amOvercast. Cold.19 °FVladivostokThu 6:09 amPassing clouds. Cold.15 °F
IzhevskThu 12:09 amSnow. Overcast. Chilly.27 °FOymyakonThu 6:09 amPassing clouds. Extremely cold.-26 °FVolgogradWed 11:09 pmFog. Chilly.32 °F
KaliningradWed 10:09 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FPechoraWed 11:09 pmLow clouds. Cold.24 °FVorkutaWed 11:09 pmSnow flurries. Low clouds. Cold.23 °F
KalugaWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Cold.23 °FPermThu 1:09 amLight mixture of precip. Passing clouds. Chilly.27 °FVoronezhWed 11:09 pmFog. Chilly.32 °F
KazanWed 11:09 pmLight snow. Overcast. Chilly.28 °FPetropavlovsk-KamchatskyThu 8:09 amClear. Frigid.7 °FYakutskThu 5:09 amFog. Extremely cold.-45 °F
KemerovoThu 3:09 amClear. Cold.14 °FPetrozavodskWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.31 °FYaroslavlWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.30 °F
KhabarovskThu 6:09 amClear. Frigid.3 °FPevekThu 8:09 amPassing clouds. Frigid.-1 °FYekaterinburgThu 1:09 amOvercast. Cold.23 °F
KhandygaThu 5:09 amClear. Extremely cold.-41 °FPolyarnye ZoriWed 11:09 pmSnow showers. Overcast. Chilly.28 °FYoshkar-OlaWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.26 °F
Khanty-MansiyskThu 1:09 amSnow flurries. Passing clouds. Cold.23 °FPskovWed 11:09 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.31 °FYuzhno-SakhalinskThu 7:09 amClear. Frigid.7 °F
KhatangaThu 3:09 amPassing clouds. Extremely cold.-39 °FPyatigorskWed 11:09 pmFog. Chilly.39 °FZhiganskThu 5:09 amExtremely cold.-30 °F
KirovWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Cold.25 °FRostov (RU-YAR)Wed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.30 °FZyryankaThu 7:09 amLight snow. Overcast. Frigid.-9 °F
Komsomolsk-on-AmurThu 6:09 amExtremely cold.-25 °FSaint-PetersburgWed 11:09 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.32 °F
KostromaWed 11:09 pmOvercast. Chilly.30 °FSalekhardThu 1:09 amPassing clouds. Cold.13 °F


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